Tuesday, September 27, 2005


It takes a while for a blog to find its voice. You and I talk about lots of interesting things. Some of them will find their way here, I hope.

On Five Wells this morning I wrote about dividing fractions. Do you remember when you used to ask me, on long boring car rides, to make up math problems? You were maybe ten and you were good at algebra. Last night when I was telling Leslie and Ally about your new job, someone asked if you're good at math. I think you are. Hmm?

Monday, September 26, 2005

At Last!

So this now works! I have not much to say, as I am at work, and was taking a brief break. Now I am off to teach myself more about Excel.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Here's something to make you chuckle. NYC Trivia Quiz.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Here are a couple of things you might like. On my blog today I wrote about "Constitution Day." Check out Constitutional Timeline .

I also found this women's weightlifting site from this blog by a Cornell woman.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

This is me- posting in the new blog...

Nothing much to report on my end.

Just trying out the new blog! I have high hopes that we can get an interesting Maggy/Mom dialogue going on here...
